
MJ70-320 Swift | Cardross Gold Club

Major Swift roller mower reduces mowing time by at least half a day for groundskeeping team at Cardross Golf Club, home of golf in the West of Scotland.

Cardross Golf Club is a parkland golf club established in 1895. Ross McLeish manages a team of four staff to maintain some 140 acres of the course, which can be a struggle at times.

His team previously used a ride on mower to maintain the rough areas, which took up time and resources from his staff.

Local dealer Hamilton Brothers demonstrated a few machines that were on the market at the time, and the Major Swift Roller Mower in three-point linkage was by far the best.

“The machine is gear-driven, which means no belts, which I prefer,” says Ross. “That’s one of the reasons we went for this mower.”

The gearbox driveline means no belts and pulleys to adjust, making the mower an  exceptionally low maintenance kit.

“Our 3.2m Major Roller Mower is a fantastic piece of machinery,” continued Ross. “We have possibly cut half a day of mowing compared with the rotary ride on. We are saving a lot of time and there is far less maintenance required. The ride on uses a lot more diesel power so we’re saving on fuel costs as well.”